Laceration Popov









Rin von Grand Chase

Lacy has a lean to the dark arts, despite choosing to not follow her dad's path. However, she shares his murderous and somewhat bubbly personality, despite being more soft-spoken and mischievous.

Her parents died trying to protect her, much like all the other kids from the Future. However, being taught to not fear the death since little, she has more hatred than sadness inside her heart, a wish for vengeance.

She chooses to join Lucina because, despite understanding her parents' death, she still misses them. And, of course, to be able to face and slaughter all risen and even Grima with her own hands.


  • Lacy is 5'4 ( 1,65 m).

  • Her dance is usually more harsh/rough/fast than other dancers like Olivia. She also envelops herself in dark magic when dancing on the battlefield, a spell to attract attention and hipnotize her foes.

  • She has trained a lot to be able to throw daggers while dancing, in a way her foes wouldn't realize until already stabbed.

  • She's a messy sleeper. Usually kicks/smacks whoever sleeps next to her, although without force.

  • Whenever there's a full Moon, Lacy goes outside at midnight to dance under the moonlight, a simple ritual to, in her words, keep her beautiful.

  • Her father, Henry, taught her a little bit of black magic, and also how to hunt and communicate with animals.

  • She has a bit more of self-esteem than her Father, but it's still not that high. She is constantly afraid people will abandon her for being too scary.

  • She keeps a collection of human and animal bones. Her tent is full of scary stuff, the kind you'd imagine to see in a witch's house.

  • Lacy's playlist!!

  • Lacy's VA would be Yumiri Hanamori. Voice Sample!


Lacy was sent to Valla with Owain, Severa and Laslow, summoned by Anankos. Much like her friends, she refuses going back home and stays to help Kamui on their journey.

Upon arriving, she adopts the alias of Vivisection (or Vivi), and is assigned as Elise's retainer. She also becomes a Dark Mage.

She quickly becomes friend with the princess, acting like a funny big sister, less clingy than Camilla but still very dotting. Most of the mischief Elise knows come from Lacy's teaching.

Her murderous personality had to calm down a little bit to avoid upsetting Elise, but she is still very much into killing whoever proves to be a threat to her lady. She often dances with her.

She and Odin agreed to keep their familial relation a secret.

First thing you need to know if you wish to shipp your muse with Lacy: she's kind of a yandere. She'll never harm your muse, but she will harm whoever gets too close or stare too hard at them.

It's her way of making sure they won't abandon her for other people.

Inside the relationship, she'll be a sweet girlfriend. Lacy will do everything possible to keep her partner happy and satisfied, even it means doing things she doesn't want to.

Steady Shipps might earn lewd, on dms only, but it's very unlikely. Writer feels uncomfy with it most of the time.

If you still wanna shipp with her but is uncomfortable with the yandere stuff, just let me know and I'll tone it down!

Her canon crushes are: Inigo & Severa.

Although Lacy doesn't have a Fates AU, she traveled to Valla once and met King Kamui! And, some fates account follow her so I figured I should do a shipping tierlist for fates as well:


As said on the shipping section, Lacy's a yandere. And, daughter of her father, it's more than expected of her to be as murderous and bloody as him! For that, I leave here a list of Content Warnings and a few more information about her account.

  • Murder

  • Gore (medium)

  • Blood

  • Wounds, Scars

  • Violence in general

  • Yandere Stuff (mild)

  • Lewd (very unlikely)

Please note that I will also tag the tweets that contain heavy/stronger stuff, so you'll be able to avoid them.

Hello! Nice to meet you!
I'm Kalecgos, but you can call me Kal!
I'm 20 years old, brazilian and I love Henry & Diederick!

I'm very shy so DMs scare the hell outta me... But I am friendly I promise! Also, please forgive my bad english...!

I have a few other FE Accounts! You'll know it's me because it says KAL (CHARACTER) on the localization!